Friday, September 22, 2023

Taking Drugs & Losing Friends

 I Don't Drink ...

...and my friends are pretty glad that I don't.  I don't do pot, or any other shape or form of recreational drugs. Additionally, I've never been drunk or under the influence of anything other than, perhaps, a lack of sleep.  I'm fairly disinhibited as a rule and to think of my becoming more disinhibited chemically is a scary thought to my friends and to me. (Woman seen running naked through Bible study group.  Film at 11:00)

Beware the Prescription Pad...

A few weeks ago, I was hospitalized for kidney stones and given "oxy" for pain.  Oh.  My.  Goodness. Gracious.  I wasn't happy or loopy or serene or sleepy.  I was mean.  Just plain ol' mean.  Tis a pity that no one took my phone away from me, cause I managed to offend a whole group of my friends via e-mail.  Mean.  Mean.  Mean.

After it wore off and I looked back at what I'd done, I was horrified.  I apologized, and apologized and I'm still apologizing.  I ask for G-d's forgiveness several times.  I know that he's quick to forgive - I think I was really trying to forgive myself.

Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?...

I do believe that there is a bright side to this whole affair.  My mom was a big believer in "looking on the bright side."  (Her cousin, A. P. Carter, wrote Keep on the Sunny Side.  Maybe it's genetic.)   

  My father was a physically, emotionally and sexually abusive alcoholic.  He was sweet, kind and funny until he was drunk - then he was the exact opposite.  

I've always thought that the "drunken" side of him was his real self and the sober was just a cover up.  Now I'm pretty sure that it is just the opposite.  It's a nice thought.  I think I'll believe it.

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Friday, September 15, 2023

 Being the Church: 

Facing Divisive Issues Without Dividing the Body of Christ

This work is based, in large part, on the work of Tabernacle Baptist Church, Richmond, VA, as they sought to discern God's will regarding their response to the LGBTQ community.  

I pray that this process might help other congregations as they deal with this and other divisive issues.




More Testing

Still Testing

Testing Again

Testing once more