Sunday, April 10, 2011

Voting for "None of the Above?" Tried It Already.

Original Post 4/2011
Updated 9/26/12

"Who do you think you're going to vote for?', I asked Hubby the other day as we were riding along. 
"For what?"
"For President."
"Of what?"
"The United States!"  I'm getting a little annoyed at this point, until I realize that he's smiling.
"November, 2012 is too far away for me to start worrying about that now", he replied...or something of that nature.

Number 2 Son swears that he's voting for "none of the above" - His favorite go-to answer on multiple choice tests.  I tried that once.  It was called Perot.  I thought, "Hey, it's only four years.  Think of how much fun it'll be!"  But alas, cooler (or was it hotter) heads prevailed and we never did get to find out what was under our nation's hood.

Or remember Anderson?  I'd almost forgotten Anderson.  Had to look up which election he served as the "none of the above" vote.   Wikipedia Article on John B. Anderson  

Questions to be answered before the next presidential campaign:
  1. Who will be the Republican nominee?  The way they're slugging it out, all of the present contenders are getting pounded pretty badly.  Will any of them want to get back in the ring with the opposing party?
  2. Who will be the Democratic nominee?  Think Obama's a shew in?  Probably.  But the campaign doesn't really begin until next summer.  Plenty of time for a scandal to turn the tables.  Or remember LBJ?  How dumbfounded were we when he refused to run for a second term?  
  3. Will we have the stomach to keep at this for another 12 months?  Maybe...If we take Hubby's advice and not worry about it for another 10 months or so.


Well...I see that we did live through those months and Obama is on the ticket.  Running against George Romney's kid?  Who'da thought?  

I just re-read the article on John Anderson.  Wow.  Times haven't changed much, but the parties certainly have.  

The gloves are off, and have been for some time here in Virginia, a battleground state, and I'm one of those "crazy swing voters", as my brother-in-law says, that the ads are trying to affect.  So far, the only effect they've had is nauseating.  The Dem ads appear to be a little less "mean", and that's appealing, but as far as substantive fact - not much there on either side.  

So, Mitt & Barrack, save your money.   We crazy swing voters have pretty much made our minds up anyway.  You could try paying off our mortgage...   Student loans?      Heck, just buying us some ice cream would probably be more effective than the ads.

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