Saturday, December 25, 2010

Weight Watchers & Christmas Dinner

I joined Weight Watchers last Wednesday.  That's right.  Three days before Christmas, I decide to get serious about losing weight.

I just got home from Christmas dinner with Hubby's family, so I went to WW's website and added up all of the "points" that I "spent" eating whatever I wanted to eat.  I have points left over!  Points that must be spent today or they will vanish, disappear, flee...

I, who said to Hubby (read with pitiful whining tone) "Please don't put any candy in my stocking.  I'm trying sooooo hard to lose weight" am looking longingly at my son's Christmas goodies.  Hmmmm...No one else is  here.  Will he notice if something's missing from his stocking?  Did he count all of those wee little packages?  Can I live with the guilt if he asks what happened to his delicious 4 chocolate Necco waffers?

To be continued.......


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Big Salaries, Big Houses, Pitiful Christmas Lights

Hubby and I drove around this evening looking at Christmas lights.  We went through some mighty swanky neighborhoods with pit-tee-full Christmas lights.  Seems to me that, if you're wealthy enough to live in "Windsor-on-the-James" you should be required to fork out a little cash for holiday decorations.  Seriously.  Even if you're Jewish, Hanukkah is the "festival of light".  Correct?

We don't even have our tree up yet, so maybe I should give these folks another few days.  Perhaps they have been plagued by three weeks of viruses, colds and injuries as have we.   But...couldn't they have paid someone to light up their house?

I know, I know.  Why should I expect the wealthy to provide me with holiday entertainment.  I guess I was raised to believe that, at Christmas time, they should lean out of their window...ask what day it is... and send a little crippled guy to my house with the largest turkey in the butcher's window.
